Changes in Kaleidoscope 1.7.1 General Improvements • QuarkXPress no longer crashes while launching. This was not actually a conflict with Quark, but rather a conflict with certain third party Quark XTensions. • Adobe Illustrator 7 no longer has problems with check boxes and radio buttons. • Ircle 3.0 no longer triggers problems when dragging its scroll bar thumbs. • Microsoft Word 5.1a no longer crashes when selecting the Print Preview option. • Font selection popup menus, such as the Substitute System Font popup in the Kaleidoscope control panel, are now the right size. Super-sized font popups were triggered by a conflict with non-Roman Language Kits. • Apollo, Cheat II, and other programs using the “Default” CDEF work correctly. • The MacLinkPlus Installer now works correctly. • Various other fixes. Mac OS 8 Improvements • 68040-based Macs no longer crash at startup or when opening the Trash. • PC-Card modems now use the correct icon (instead of a sound clipping icon). • The American Heritage Dictionary now works correctly. • Kaleidoscope now patches the indeterminate progress bars (a.k.a. barber poles). See the “Creating Color Schemes” document for more information. • Fixes missing check boxes and popup menus at the top of group boxes, background color glitches with check boxes and radio buttons, and problems with live scrolling, window collapsing, and the progress bars. Changes in Kaleidoscope 1.7 • Kaleidoscope is now compatible with Mac OS 8. See the FAQ for more details. Color Scheme designers should check the “Creating Color Schemes” document for some minor scheme changes. • Added support for menu bar patterns in color schemes. See the “Creating Color Schemes” document for more information. • Global Village's FAX software no longer crashes when you click on a scroll bar. This also fixes various other similar scrollbar-related crashes. • The American Heritage Dictionary 3.0 no longer has problems with Kaleidoscope. • Wunderbar now works correctly with collapsed windows and the BeBox scheme. • Church Windows is now compatible with Kaleidoscope. • Irregularly-shaped scroll bar ghost thumbs no longer leave a trail when dragged. • In Microsoft applications, the scroll bar now returns to normal after scrolling. • If you use Microsoft Word with GlobalFax, holding down the